"when u wan to introduce ur bf ar?"
"don't choose liao ar...later keh beh chut ar..."
"seriously,are u lesbian?"
"nobody chase u izzit? i introduce u laa..."
"have u ever pat tol b4?"
"try laa...if not suitable break nia maa..."
"gt junior liao...younger than u also never mind maa...I won't say u old cow eat fresh grass de..."
i have met some of my friends recently...all of them keep asking me the same question...argh...
bla.. bla.. bla......keep on telling me the advantages of having a bf and even boyfriendS...but in my mind, i really don't think that 2 is better than 1 (but i like this song laa)...
2 = 1+1 (here 1= a person so u won't feel lonely when it is 2),
but in my eyes, 2 != freedom...when it is 2, no more freedom for u...u have to report everything to ur couple bcoz u scared that he or she will worry abt u bcoz 2 of u can't be together all the time...u need to be responsible to ur couple (sounds like a burden for me)...extra ppl to control ur life other than ur parents...and so on...
come on...i'm only 22,not 30...i still don't want to jump into the graveyard of 2...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010
mEdiCine daY T_T

W-H-Y??? I have been cough for 3 weeks!!! Since the Masquerade Night...and it's getting serious now...Cough until sore throat...Cough until my lung like jumping out from my throat...T_T...

Due to this reason, I decided to take the medicine...
They are Diphenhydramine Expectorant and Mucoxol...the Diphenhydramine Expectorant is a brown color syrup with caramel flavor ( taste like caramel candy ) which caused me to fall into a deep sleep =.=''' ...
The schedule for my medicine day most probably will be...
sleep -> breakfast + medicine -> sleep -> lunch + medicine -> sleep -> dinner + medicine -> sleep ...
When I get well, the exam come...really "don't have time" to study...I'm going to "die" during my exam...T_T
Thursday, April 29, 2010
~ pRincEsS ~
I really can't use to it...I am surprised that I will have this strange feeling...but it's real...especially when I'm lonely...I miss you...really...
Our room is so quiet now...suppose that now is the time for u to scold Dragon and complain about him (but you will tell me that you still love him anyway...haha). I really can't use to it...nobody singing high pitch Mr.Bean's song in a "high" way...nobody tell me about the "window" joke...nobody scold me "EC TAN!!! u very noisy arh...I want to tell ah long u bully me!!!"...nobody say that she is so kepoh cooking for me...nobody bath with me at the tangki...nobody I can wait for ( even though I like to complain "faster...faster...late ad..." )
Our room is so quiet now...suppose that now is the time for u to scold Dragon and complain about him (but you will tell me that you still love him anyway...haha). I really can't use to it...nobody singing high pitch Mr.Bean's song in a "high" way...nobody tell me about the "window" joke...nobody scold me "EC TAN!!! u very noisy arh...I want to tell ah long u bully me!!!"...nobody say that she is so kepoh cooking for me...nobody bath with me at the tangki...nobody I can wait for ( even though I like to complain "faster...faster...late ad..." )
I really like to complain about you...you really slow like a tortoise because you like to spend time on everything you do...even a simple thing...( but I know you like to settle your thing in a "beautiful" way...)...You easily get cry...( because a genuine female is made of water...)...You very missy...( but you teach me and guide me on becoming a "real" lady...)...you like to think too much ( you scared that I'm angry of you...then you will ask Dragon to call me...hahahahha)...and bla bla bla...however, I still like to be with you...this feeling is like...erm...siblings...after been through so many things...even we like to complain about each other, sometime beh syok each other...but we still get together in the end...and we love each other like sister...
Happy 22nd Birthday ( no more 21...hahhahah...don't want to let you "forever 21"... )...I apologize if I have done anything that hurt you or say something stupid...( you know my mouth is poisonous...)...Love you...enjoy your birthday with your dear dear ~^^~

Thursday, April 15, 2010
~ wEiRd uNCle ~
Yesterday me and my friends went out to town after the Datastruc presentation, after McD ( I'm lovin it!!! ~^^~ ), we went to a photocopy shop to photocopy our notes ( last minute only prepare the notes for final exam ^^" ). My another girl friend accompany me to the photocopy shop while my other 4 boy friends went to shopping. We went to the photocopy shop without guys' accompany. Then this "weird uncle" story begin....
Uncle: Ah moi, mau buat ape?
I: Nak photocopy...
Uncle: Banyak kah?
We passed our papers to him, and he passed to another girl who look like worker, then the girl started to photocopy.
Uncle: Ah moi dari mane ni?
My friend: Kami dari UMS.
Uncle: Ums tak de air kan? ( the uncle look excited...)
I: Ya...
Uncle: U orang tinggal Mutiara ke Beta? ( the uncle looked at me, so I answered him. )
I: Beta.
Uncle: Beta ape? Beta 6 ke, Beta 7 ke....
I: Beta 10.
Uncle: Beta 10 tak de air kan? Hanya Beta 3, Beta 5, Beta 7 ade air aje. ( the uncle seems like very familiar with our hostel...=.=''' )
I: erm...betul...tetapi kami ade tangki bawah block maa...
Uncle: U orang kira tak de air juga bah, then macam mana nak mandi ni?
I: ( I looked at my friend a while then only answered him ) Tangki sana.
Uncle: Then semua orang pun nampak dah....
I: Tak de...kami mandi dalam camp...tak nampak...
Uncle: Siape kate...camp tu warna biru merah kan?...boleh nampak punya...
I: Tak de laa...tak nampak laa...
Uncle: U tak percaya, u berdiri kat jalan tenggok...boleh nampak ke tidak...boleh nampak ( he looked excited and repeated again very confidently).
My friend and I "SWEAT" and entertained him with some smile : hehehe...
Then he continued excitedly: mane tau...( the uncle turned his face to hamsap face )...suatu hari nanti, ah moi tengah jalan-jalan....ternampak VCD sendiri....( his face was hanging with a hamsap smile).
I looked at my friend...I was thinking wanna aswer him or not...but he is the owner of the shop...and my thing is still photocopying...so I continued entertain him...
I: Tak kan laa...kami ade pakai sarong...tak nampak ape-ape pun...
Uncle: Sarong??? hahahahhaah...sarong tu nipis saje...masih boleh nampak...hahahaha...
My friend and I "SWEAT" again...Luckily the worker finished photocopy, we straight away walked to the counter and ignore him.
At first I thought he is the owner of that shop ( he act like he is the owner maa...),so I maa entertained him lo... mana tahu...he is just a kepoh person...=.='''''
Thanks to that uncle, now everytime I bath I also feel very uneasy...because I scared I will see my own VCD one day when I'm shopping...>.<'''
Thursday, March 25, 2010
~kissing~ ^0^ muack....
Firstly, kissing is the most versatile sport around. There are so many types of kisses to choose from – at least one for just about any occasion. There are butterfly kiss, cheek kiss, forehead kiss,freeze kiss (Put a small piece of ice in your mouth, then open mouth and kiss your partner, passing them the ice with your tongue. It's an erotic and sensual french kiss with a twist of cold.), french kiss and so on.
Secondly, kissing is easy to transport. You can do it wherever you want.
Thirdly, kissing always livens things up. The writer really encourage people to kiss. He wrote " Try this: the next time you are in an oh-so-booooring meeting that seems to last oh-so-foreeeeever, why not just kiss somebody. Go ahead; try it. See how it livens things up?"...but I guess the girl will slap the guy that give her a kiss...
Fourthly, kissing prevent diabetes.Kissing is organic, low in sodium, preservative-free, low in saturated fats and does not contain dozens of delicious ingredients. [It keep your mouth busy so that you don't have time to eat. (>.<)]
In addition, kissing is legal in all 50 states and most earth-bound countries. Rumors are circulating that kissing will even be legalized soon on Mars, Jupiter and in Afghanistan. (How about Malaysia???)
Kissing is 100% biodegradable, so when you kiss somebody, you help the environment.
Kissing is safe to do in a moving vehicle, as long as you are not driving.
Kissing is non toxic...unless you kiss somebody who has just swallowed a bottle of Dravo. Even so, kissing is still safe, as long as you do not use your mouth...
However, EXTREME KISSING is not recommended. Don't kiss the vacuum cleaner if you want to retain all your vital organs. It's OK to kiss sandpaper, just don't use your tongue. Don't kiss a chainsaw(I think this 1 is self-explanatory). The only recorded deaths involving kissing are by third parties, usually wives, husbands or spurned lovers...
Overall, kissing is still being considered as the greatest sport in the world that it makes badminton, golf, tennis and soccer seem like bush league sports.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
~ Uses of a C-O-N-D-O-M ~
Sharing is caring...today I just purposely write a post to introduce you all 2 videos...it's quite creative actually...do enjoy the videos below...~^^~
It was really a surprise for me to watch this...
So guys, bring a condom along with you, it doesn't mean that "something is going on" but just to cover your girlfriend's umbrella...or maybe other things as well???
and also this
OMG~a "mini portable torchlight"...
Nowadays, condoms are not only use to prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.They have other uses as well...*wink*
It was really a surprise for me to watch this...
So guys, bring a condom along with you, it doesn't mean that "something is going on" but just to cover your girlfriend's umbrella...or maybe other things as well???
and also this
OMG~a "mini portable torchlight"...
Nowadays, condoms are not only use to prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.They have other uses as well...*wink*
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